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Revision as of 23:48, 19 December 2013 by Jacksfh (Talk | contribs)
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This page has been flagged for deletion by Jacksfh. The grounds for proposing deletion are as follows: Template is obsolete, Infobox-XmasShips is now used for all ships sold between 2012 and 2015

NOTE: Deletion requests which do not include a comprehensible reason for its submission will NOT be honored!

The Liberator class is the Ore King ship for 2013, equipped with a variety of unique weapons the ship deviates from its predecessors in the fact it is not equipped with Ore Collectors.

The ship is classified as a Siege Ship and is a formidable opponent, while the ship itself has a powerful weapons array its main advantage comes from its Siege Mode module which offers a number of advantages such as a 35% increase in weapons strength and increased armour strength, however these upgrades come at the cost of loosing 100% of the ships flight range, making the ship stationary for the time that siege mode is active.

EN1 Winner: RAKSHA ((C KMD Empress of Ore (38894)

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