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Alliances are important to many in stne, but not a requirement. Though Alliances offer you strength, alliances, co-operation, a fall back, they also require you to give strength, usually your location, to donate to war causes, and other such stuff. Worse of all, you could end up in a war you never wanted to take part in.

If you want a alliance, and want to be in near full control of your destiny, maybe you could create your own alliance. Creating a alliance is free and only requires you put a little discription on your alliance page atleast. Its best to have a similar format to the below: _________

About Us _________

Terms of joining (Rules) _________

Who to contact to join _________

[Rank List] _________

Some things like rank you might not want to include, but nearly all alliances have a set number of ranks, with generally 'Ensign/Begineer' 'Commander/Captain/Moderate to Average Player' 'Commodore/Low Admiral/Fairly Advanced player' 'Admiral/Advanced player' 'Fleet Admiral/Very Advanced player' 'Overlord/King/Ruler/Alliance Leader'

  • Some alliances have ranks like Diplomat. Depending on what your alliance aspires to be - War like, or peaceful, you may or may not have a few extra ranks. Of course, some Alliances are based on pre-made alliances from sy-fi TV shows like Star Trek, BattleStar Galactica. These can have ranks related to ranks in said RP formation.

This server [en-1] has a large number of alliances, with several considerably large forces. Generally considered the Strong alliances are: Choam [c] Outcast Terran Empire NoD ((C (CommonWealth) PK (Peace keepers - Non militaristic but mostly believed to have enough strong players to have a sizeable fleet) SFC (Star Fleet Command - Same as above, Non militaristic but mostly believed to have enough strong players to have a sizeable fleet) CORE Rangers <38> VSMI (Lightly - Peaceful rather then militaristic, little to suggest any large military fleets, however the large number of members - Including some old ID's - Should mean the ability to defend them selves pretty well.) SG-1 (Star Gate) FL (Fleet Labs) Breen Dell Syndicates The Illuminati ShadowRift BIA Elite ACME Sector Security Coalition New Republic BSC (Romulan Empire)(This one is debatable, they have quite a few numbers but little in actual strength since the banning of alliance leader- and multi-accounter of several members in this alliance) Phoenix Industries

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