Player:Glest Durnham/Generic Constructions

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What is Generic Constructions?

Generic Constructions is a programming company founded in the year 2315. It provides scripts and subroutines for the Universal Scripting Engine as well as programs written for external engines. All scripts released by Generic Constructions are free, although commissioned projects will be charged for.


The company is always lead by a Glest. The current Glest is Durnham. Due to popular naming conventions of Terran settlers, Glest is often mistaken for a name. It is however a title used to designate the highest authority in a company structure. It is said to started as an acronym for Grand Leader and Every Such Thing, but no official sources can confirm or deny this. It has grown to be the de-facto standard in technologically advanced companies.

Products and Services

Product releases and services provided by Generic Constructions are decentralized. As such, all individual members are responsible for their own services, releases and updates. However, tune in to subspace channel 417 for highlights regarding GC products and services.