Rid Macroblocking now!

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Did you ever come home after a tiresome day at the office with the boss screaming from the top of his lungs, and you crashed on your couch, turned on the TV to watch your favorite show only to see these big blocks of images destroying the entire video? This will probably ruin your entire experience and you’ll be boiling with anger at the thought that you pay for a service that’s supposed to be of high quality and you’re not being delivered those promises.

As an HD device is capable of receiving a large amount of information, the source is not yet enhanced and updated to handle all that data being transmitted and so the extra positions where the macroblocks have appeared are not uncompressed fast enough. Also, people watching cable television will often stumble upon channels where there is no sound, no image, just pixilation and Macroblocking for hours. Sometimes the macroblocking can last for hours, even days without anything to do or try out.

So what’s there to be done? You’re paying the full price for a month’s services but during that month many such problems can occur and chances are you will not be refunded or credited. The Cable Television Macroblocking is becoming more and more a phenomenon, as users constantly complain about the poor quality of the images and signal, without getting any solutions to their problems.

Many people are complaining about the macroblocking phenomenon, the image blackout, the loss of signal and many other problems, but the cable companies don’t seem too eager to solve their problems in a timely manner.

On the contrary, it usually takes days until the Time Warner Service Delivery takes into account that some clients are experiencing these unpleasant problems. It is sometimes outrageous to pay for a service with the money you earn and not be delivered the tall promises and claims they make at the signing of the contract.

You should contact the cable company and complain about the problems you’re experiencing. That is not the greatest solution, but it’s the place to start from. Make sure the cable company is aware of your problems and will do anything to solve them in a timely manner. It is but your duty to protect your rights as a consumer.

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