From STNE Wiki
Contents |
Class names without members
This table contains the translations of all Class names. Each row is a translation of one Class name. The first cell contains the German Class name, the second cell the proposed English Class name. If the second cell is left empty, that means no translation is needed.
German name | English Name |
Enum EHtmlInputType | |
Class CCollectionBase | |
Class CDefaultValueHashTable | |
Class CDictionaryBase | |
Class CEntryList | |
Class CIntegerComparer | |
Class CIntegerHashTable | |
Class CIntegerList | |
Class CKeyMustExistsHashTable | |
Class CObject | |
Class CObjectHashTable | |
Class CObjectList | |
Class CScriptGlobal | |
Class CSortedIntegerObjectList | |
Class CSortedListBase | |
Class CSortedObjectList | |
Class CSortedStringList | |
Class CSortedStringObjectList | |
Class CStringHashTable | |
Class CStringList | |
Structure SPoint | |
Enum EAlarmStufe | EAlertLevel |
Enum EAutoPilotTyp | EAutoPilotType |
Enum EBeamRessource | EBeamResource |
Enum ELRSNumericTyp | ELRSNumericType |
Enum EShipLogTyp | EShipLogType |
Enum EShipRichtung | EShipDirection |
Enum EShipTyp | EShipType |
Enum ETorpedoTyp | ETorpedoType |
Enum EWarenTyp | EGoodsType |
Class CAccount | |
Class CAllianz | CAlliance |
Class CBaseColonieManager | CBaseColonyManager |
Class CBaseShipManager | |
Class CColonieManager | CColonyManager |
Class CCoordsList | CCordinateList |
Class CDataNode | |
Class CDataNodeList | |
Class CDataNodeStorage | |
Class CFlottenEnumerator | CFleet |
Class CGameUrl | |
Class CGebäude | CBuilding |
Class CGebäudeList | CBuildingList |
Class CGlobalFunctions | |
Class CHandle | |
Class CKolonie | CColony |
Class CKolonieEnumerator | CColonyEnumerator |
Class CKolonieFeld | CColonyField |
Class CKolonieFeldList | CColonyFieldList |
Class CKolonieKarte | CColonyMap |
Class CLager | CCargoBay |
Class CMyFlotte | CMyFleet |
Class CMyKolonie | CMyColony |
Class CMyShip | |
Class CMyShipDefinition | |
Class CMyUser | |
Class CScriptUrl | |
Class CShip | |
Class CShipDefinition | |
Class CShipEnumerator | |
Class CShipList | |
Class CShipManager | |
Class CStringBuilder | |
Class CUrl | |
Class CUser | |
Class CUserEnumerator | |
Class CWarenInfo | CGoodsInfo |
Class CWebRequest | |
Class CWebResponse | |
Class CWebUrl | |
Enum EReplikatorWare | EReplicatorGoods |
Class CControlTableCell | |
Class CHtmlBreak | |
Class CHtmlCheckBox | |
Class CHtmlControl | |
Class CHtmlDictionary | |
Class CHtmlEventList | |
Class CHtmlFlash | |
Class CHtmlForm | |
Class CHtmlHelper | |
Class CHtmlHyperLink | |
Class CHtmlImage | |
Class CHtmlInput | |
Class CHtmlLinkButton | |
Class CHtmlListBox | |
Class CHtmlListBoxItem | |
Class CHtmlListBoxItemCollection | |
Class CHtmlNewLine | |
Class CHtmlResetButton | |
Class CHtmlSeperator | |
Class CHtmlSpace | |
Class CHtmlSpan | |
Class CHtmlStyleCollection | |
Class CHtmlSubmitButton | |
Class CHtmlTextArea | |
Class CHtmlTextBox | |
Class CTable | |
Class CTableCell | |
Class CTableCellCollection | |
Class CTableCellList | |
Class CTableRow | |
Class CTableRowCollection | |
Structure SMapPosition | |
Class Array | |
Structure Boolean | |
Structure Byte | |
Structure Char | |
Structure DictionaryEntry | |
Interface ICollection | |
Interface IDictionary | |
Interface IEnumerator | |
Interface IList | |
Structure Date | |
Structure Double | |
Enum | |
Structure Short | |
Structure Integer | |
Structure Long | |
Class Math | |
Class Object | |
Class Random | |
Class String |
Enum members (non inherited only)
These tables contain the translations of Enum members. The table header shows the German name of the Enum. Each row is a translation of one members. The first cell contains the German member name, the second cell the proposed English member name. If the second cell is left empty, that means no translation is needed.
A question mark in the second cell indicates that it is not certain if the translation is correct.
If an Enum does not appear as a table in this section, it means it has no members that need to be translated.
Enum EAlarmStufe | |
Gelb | Yellow |
Grün | Green |
Rot | Red |
Enum EAutoPilotTyp | |
Energie | EnergyEfficient |
Gondeln | EngineEfficient |
Enum EBeamRessource | |
Antimaterie | Antimatter |
Baumaterial | Plasteel |
Credits | |
Crew | |
Deuterium | |
Dilithium | |
Duranium | |
Energie | Energy |
Erz | Iridium |
Geschenke | Gift |
IsoChips | |
Item | |
Larne | |
Latinum | |
Nahrung | Food |
Nitrium | |
PhotonenTorpedos | PhotonTorpedoes |
Plasma | |
PlasmaTorpedos | PlasmaTorpedoes |
QuantenTorpedos | QuantumTorpedoes |
Rettungskapseln | EscapePods |
Schmuggelgüter | SmugglersGoods (?) |
Sorium | |
Tribbels | Tribles |
Tritanium |
ELRSNumericTyp | |
Deuteriumvorkommen | DeuteriumConcentration |
Einflugkosten | ApproachCosts |
Erzvorkommen | OreConcentration |
Flugaktivitäten | FlightActivities |
Keine | None |
Schiffssignaturen | ShipSignatures |
Enum EReplikatorWare | |
Baumaterial | Plasteel |
Erz | Iridium |
Nahrung | Food |
EShipLogTyp | |
Alles | Everything |
Feinde | Enemies |
Freunde | Friends |
Minnimal | Minimal |
Neutral | Neutral |
EShipRichtung | |
Hoch | Up |
Links | Left |
Rechts | Right |
Runter | Down |
EShipTyp | |
Adrec | |
Aither | |
Amaterasu | |
Andorra | |
Andromeda | |
Antares_B | |
Assertive | |
Atel | |
Basis | |
BatraK | |
BatraL | |
Boreas | |
Calester | |
Canoom | ? |
Capo | |
Castalia | ? |
CustomShip | |
D7 | |
Depot | |
DockingStation | |
DummyStartpunkt | ? |
EMP_Sonde | EMP Mine (?) |
Erebos | ? |
Erinyes | ? |
Erkundungsschiff | SurveyShip |
Flaxian | |
Flugkörper_Typ_A | MissileTypeA |
föd_Akira | fed_Akira |
föd_Apollo | fed_Apollo |
föd_Defiant | fed_Defiant |
föd_Deneva | fed_Deneva (?) |
föd_Depot | fed_Depot |
föd_DY100 | fed_DY100 |
föd_Erewhon | fed_Erewhon (?) |
föd_Galaxy | fed_Galaxy |
föd_Intrepid | fed_Intrepid |
föd_Korolev | fed_Korolev (?) |
föd_Nebula | fed_Nebula |
föd_Nova | fed_Nova |
föd_Observatorium | fed_Observatorium |
föd_Posten | fed_Post |
föd_RelaisStation | fed_RelaisStation |
föd_Sovereign | fed_Sovereign |
föd_SpaceDock | fed_SpaceDock |
föd_Starbase | fed_Starbase |
föd_Tug | fed_Tug |
föd_Venture | fed_Venture |
föd_VersorgungsPosten | fed_SupplyPost |
Frachtcontainer | FreightContainer |
Frachter | Freighter |
GrossesSubraumPortal | BigSubspacePortal |
Helios | |
Hurricane | |
JemHadar_Fighter | |
Jovis | ? |
Ju_day | |
Kale | |
Kaperschiff | Raider |
KazonFigher | |
Kein | None |
Klaestron | |
KleinesSubraumPortal | SmallSubspacePortal |
Kolonieschiff | ColonyShip |
Komet | Comet |
Miranda | |
Moringi | |
Mymidon | |
Oberth | |
Omega | |
Ortygia | |
Outpost | |
Panatek | ? |
Pandorra | ? |
Patrouillenschiff | PatrolShip |
Posten | Post |
Psilar | |
RessourcenSonde | ResourceProbe (?) |
Rigel | |
Rubicon | |
Scavenger | |
Schmuggelschiff | SmugglingShip |
Seth | |
Sirius | |
Sonde | Probe |
SondenJäger | ProbeHunter |
Songu | ? |
Station | |
SubraumHorchposten | ListeningPost |
Sunhawk | |
Sydney | |
Syndikat1 | Syndicat1 |
TalaxianischerFrachter | TalaxianFreighter |
Tanker | |
TPau | ? |
Trümmerfeld | DebrisField |
TShu | ? |
Tug | |
VadwaurSonde | VadwaurProbe |
VersteigerungsPosten | AuctionStation (?) |
Vertiga | |
VidiianTypA | |
VidiianTypB | |
VidiianTypC | |
Weihnachtsschlitten | ChristmasSleigh |
Whorfin | |
Xemek | |
Ymir | ? |
Yzato |
ETorpedoTyp | |
Photonen | PhotonTorpedoes |
Plasma | PlasmaTorpedoes |
Quanten | QuantumTorpedoes |
TorpedoEMP | EMPTorpedoes |
TorpedoHülle | PolaronTorpedoes |
TorpedoSchilde | NemesisTorpedoes |
EWarenTyp | |
Antimaterie | Antimatter |
AntiprotonenPhalanx | AntiProtonPhalanx (?) |
Artefakte | Artifacts |
Baumaterial | Plasteel |
Blutwein | Bloodwine |
Credits | |
Deuterium | |
Dilithium | |
Duranium | |
EarlGrey | |
Erz | Iridium |
Geschenke | Gifts |
IsoChips | |
KetracelWhite | |
Latinum | |
Nahrung | Food |
Nitrium | |
PhotonenTorpedos | PhotonTorpedoes |
Plasma | |
PlasmaTorpedos | PlasmaTorpedoes |
QuantenTorpedos | QuantumTorpedoes |
Rettungskapseln | EscapePods |
Rohrlaven | TubeLava (??) |
RomulanischesAle | RomulanAle |
Schmuggelgüter | SmugglerGoods (?) |
Sorium | |
TasparEier | TasparEggs (?) |
TorpedoEMP | EMPTorpedoes |
TorpedoHülle | PolaronTorpedoes |
TorpedoSchilde | NemesisTorpedoes |
Tribbels | Tribbles |
Tritanium | |
Vinculum |
Class members (non inherited only)
These tables contain the translations of Class members. The table header shows the German name of the Class. Each row is a translation of one members. The first cell contains the German member name, the second cell the proposed English member name. If the second cell is left empty, that means no translation is needed.
A question mark in the second cell indicates that it is not certain if the translation is correct.
If a Class does not appear as a table in this section, it means it has no members that need to be translated.
Class CAllianz | |
New (AllianzID) | New (AllianceID) |
Beschreibung | Description |
Erstellungsdatum | DateFounded |
Exists(AllianzID) | Exists(AllianceID) |
GetHtmlName() | |
GetHtmlNameAndID() | |
LetzterBeitrittDatum | LastJoinDate |
Name | |
OwnerID | |
Präsidnet | President |
Class CBaseColonieManager | |
AlarmStufeÄndern(Stufe) | SetAlertLevel(AlertLevel) |
EinwanderungsGrenzeFestlegen(Grenze) | SetImigrationLimit(Limit) |
GebäudeAktivieren(Position, Status) | ActivateBuilding(Position, Status) |
GebäudeBenennen(Position, Name) | SetBuildingName(Position, Name) |
GebäudeReparieren(Position, Menge) | RepairBuilding(Position, Amount) |
NotfusionsKammerAuffüllen(Position, Menge) | FillEmergencyFusionChamber(Amount) |
Replizieren(Position, Menge, Von, Zu) | Replicate(Position, Amount, From, To) |
SchildeAufladen(Position, Menge) | ChargeShields(Position, Amount) |
TorpedoProduktionÄndern(Position, TorpedoTyp) | SetTorpedoProduction(Position, TorpedoType) |
TransferiereVonSchiff(FromShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) | TransferFromShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource) |
TransferiereZuSchiff(ToShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) | TrasferToShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource) |
Werft_Bauen(WerftPosition, ShipTyp) | Shipyard_Build(Position, ShipType) |
Werft_Reparieren(ShipID, Menge) | ShipyardRepair(ShipID, Amount) |
Werft_ReserveBatterieAufladen(ShipID, Menge) | Shipyard_ChargeEmergencyBattery(ShipID, Amount) |
Class CBaseShipManager | |
Abdocken() | Undock() |
AlarmStufeÄndern(Stufe) | SetAlertLevel(AlertLevel) |
AndockenAn(ToShipID) | DockTo(ShipID) |
AusAllenFlottenAustreten() | LeaveAllFleets() |
AusOrbitAustreten() | ExitOrbit() |
Benennen(Name) | SetName(Name) |
DeuteriumSammeln(Energie) | CollectDeuterium(Energy) |
ErzSammeln(Energie) | CollectOre(Energy) |
Fliege(AnzahlFelder, Richtung) | Fly(Distance, Direction) |
FliegeZu(Position) | FlyTo(Position) |
InOrbitEintreten() | EnterOrbit() |
LRS_Aktivieren(Status) | ActivateLRS(Status) |
Reparieren(ShipID, Hüllenpunkte) | Repair(ShipID, HullPoints) |
ReplikatorAktivieren(Status) | ActivateReplicators(Status) |
ReserveBatterieEntladen(Menge) | DischargeEmergencyBattery(Amount) |
SchiffBauenRessourcenEinspeisen() | ApplyGoodsToConstruction() |
SchildeAktivieren(Status) | ActivateShields(Status) |
SchildeAufladen(Menge) | ChargeShields(Amount) |
SRS_Aktivieren(Status) | ActivateSRS(Status) |
StationsReserveBatterieAufladen(ShipID, Menge) | ChargeEmergencyBattery(ShipID, Amount) |
TraktorStrahlAbschalten() | DeactivateTractorBeam() |
TraktorStrahlEinschalten(ShipID) | ActivateTractorBeam(ShipID) |
TransferiereVonKolonie(FromColonieID, Anzahl, Ressource) | TransferFromColony(ColonyID, Amount, Resource) |
TransferiereVonSchiff(FromShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) | TransferFromShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource) |
TransferiereZuKolonie(ToColonieID, Anzahl, Ressource) | TransferToColony(ColonyID, Amount, Resource) |
TransferiereZuSchiff(ToShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) | TransferToShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource) |
Verstecken(Versteckt) | Hide(Status) |
VerteidigenTo(ShipID) | Defend(ShipID) |
VerteidigenToDelete() | StopDefending() |
WarenÜberBordWerfen(Menge, WarenTyp) | JettisonGoods(Amount, GoodsType) |
WarpkernAktivieren(Status) | ActivateWarpCore(Status) |
WarpkernNachfüllen(Menge) | RefillWarpCore(Amount) |
WrackExtraktoren(Menge) | ExtractFromWreck(Amount) |
Class CColonieManager | |
New | |
BenutzeKolonie(KolonieID) | SelectColony(ColonyID) |
Class CFlottenEnumerator | |
New | |
CurrentFlotte | CurrentFleet |
Next() | |
Reset() |
Class CGebäude | |
Aktiv | Active |
Bauphase | UnderConstruction |
Feld | Field |
FeldID | FieldID |
GebäudeTyp | BuildingType |
Integrität | Integrity |
Kolonie | Colony |
Name | |
TypName | TypeName |
Class CKolonie | |
New (KolonieID) | New (ColonyID) |
New (PosX, PosY) | |
Bewohnbar | Habitable |
Coords | Coordinates |
IsBesiedelt | IsColonised |
IsKolonie | IsColony |
LeererRaum | FreeSpace |
Name | |
SektorID | SectorID |
Typ | Type |
TypName | TypeName |
UserID |
Class CKolonieEnumerator | |
New | |
CurrentKolonie | CurrentColony |
Next() | |
Reset() |
Class CKolonieFeld | |
Coords | Coordinates |
FeldID | FieldID |
FeldTyp | FieldType |
Gebäude | Building |
HatGebäude | HasBuilding |
HatSchildTurm | HasShieldTower (or IsShielded maybe?) |
IstOrbital | IsOrbital |
IstSichtbar | IsVisible |
Kolonie | Colony |
Position | |
TypName | TypeName |
Class CKolonieKarte | |
IstOrbital | IsOrbital |
Item(x, y) | |
Kolonie | Colony |
SizeX | |
SizeY |
Class CLager | |
FreieKapazität | EmptyStorage |
FreieKapazität(WarenTyp) | EmptyStorage(GoodsType) |
Menge(WarenTyp) | Amount(GoodsType) |
MengeNormal(WarenTyp) | AmountNormal(GoodsType) |
MengeSpezial(WarenTyp) | AmountSpecial(GoodsType) |
Summe | Sum |
SummeNormal | SumNormal |
Class CMyFlotte | |
New (FlottenID) | New (FleetID) |
Aktion | Action |
Filter | |
FilterAktiv | FilterActive |
FlottenID | FleetID |
Hidden | |
IsAll | |
Name | |
NameAndID | |
Ships |
Class CMyKolonie | |
New (KolonieID) | New (ColonyID) |
New (PosX, PosY) | |
Aktion | Action |
Bewohnbar | Habitable |
Coords | Coordinates |
Einwohner | Population |
Energie | Energy |
EnergieBilanz | EnergyBalance |
EnergieKapazität | EnergyCapacity |
EnergieKapazitätFrei | EnergyCapacityFree |
EnergieProduktion | EnergyProduction |
EnergieVerbrauch | EnergyConsumption |
FeldByID(FeldID) | FieldByID(FieldID) |
FeldByPosition(Position) | FieldByPosition(Position) |
Felder | Fields |
Gebäude | Buildings |
GebäudeByID(FeldID) | BuildingByID(FieldID) |
GebäudeByIndex(Index) | BuildingByIndex(Index) |
GebäudeByPosition(Position) | BuildingByPosition(Position) |
IsBesiedelt | IsColonised |
IsKolonie | IsColony |
Karte | Map |
Lager | CargoBay |
Larne | |
LeererRaum | FreeSpace |
Name | |
OrbitKarte | OrbitMap |
SektorID | SectorID |
SRS | |
Typ | Type |
TypName | TypeName |
Wohnraum | LivingSpace |
Class CMyShip | |
New (ShipID) | |
__CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters, BaseUrl) | |
__CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters) | |
__InvokeItem(ItemID, Method, Parameters) | |
Aktion | Action |
AutoPilotTyp | AutoPilotType |
CoPilot | |
CoPilotID | |
CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters) | |
CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters, BaseUrl) | |
Definition | |
GeflogeneFelder | FieldsFlown |
Gondeln | Engines |
InvokeItem(ItemID, Method, Parameters) | |
Larne | |
LogTyp | LogType |
LRS_Aktiv | LRSActive |
LRSNumericTyp | LRSNumericType |
LRSSize | LRSSize |
Name | |
ReplikatorAktiv | ReplicatorActive |
ReserveBatterie | EmergencyBattery |
SchildeIonenLevel | ShieldsIonLevel |
SRS | |
SRS_Aktiv | SRSActive |
Systemblockade | SystemBlockade |
Torpedoerhitzung | TorpedoHeating |
Typ | Type |
Versteckt | Hidden |
VerteidigenToID | DefendingID |
Warpkern | WarpCore |
WarpkernAktiv | WarpCoreActive |
... = ...