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== CColonieManager = CColonieManager ==
  AlarmStufeÄndern(Stufe) = ChangeAlertStatus(Level)
[[Category:Scripting|Code Translation]]
  BenutzeKolonie(KolonieID) = UsingColony (ColonyID)
== Interfaces and members ==
  EinwanderungsGrenzeFestlegen(Grenze) = ChangePopulation(Max)
This table contains the translations of the interfaces and their members. Interfaces and members that don't need to be translated are not listed.
  GebäudeAktivieren(Position As String, Status As Boolean) (Gebäude) = BuildingActivation(Position As String, Status as Self)(Building)
  GebäudeBenennen(Position As String, Name As String) (Gebäude) = BuildingNaming(Building)
  GebäudeReparieren(Position As String, Menge As Integer) (Gebäude) = BuildingRepair(Building)
  NotfusionsKammerAuffüllen(Position As String, Menge As Integer) (Kammer) = FillFusionChamber(Chamber)
  Replizieren(Position As String, Menge As Integer, Von As EReplikatorWare, Zu As EReplikatorWare) (Replizieren) = Replicator(Replicator)
  SchildeAufladen(Position As String, Menge As Integer) (Schilde) = ActivateShields(Shields)
  TorpedoProduktionÄndern(Position As String, TorpedoTyp As ETorpedoTyp) (geerbt) = ChangeTorpedoProduction(TorpedoType)
  TransferiereVonSchiff(FromShipID As Integer, Anzahl As Integer, Ressource As EBeamRessource) (geerbt) = BeamFromShip(Ship)
  TransferiereZuSchiff(ToShipID As Integer, Anzahl As Integer, Ressource As EBeamRessource) (geerbt) = BeamToShip (Ship)
  Werft_Bauen(WerftPosition As String, ShipTyp As EShipTyp) (geerbt) = Shipyard_Construction(Shipyard)
  Werft_Reparieren(ShipID As Integer, Menge As Integer) (geerbt) = Shipyard_Repair(Shipyard)
  Werft_ReserveBatterieAufladen(ShipID As Integer, Menge As Integer) (geerbt) = Shipyard_UseReserveBattery(Ship)
== CShipManager ==
  Abdocken() = DockFrom
  AlarmStufeÄndern(Stufe) = ChangeAlertStatus(Level)
!German name !! English Name
  AndockenAn(ToShipID As Integer) = CollectSmallShips
  AusAllenFlottenAustreten() = QuicklyResignFromAll
| ColoniePortal || ColonyPortal
  AusOrbitAustreten() = QuicklyResignFromOrbit
  Benennen = Name
| MyColonie || MyColony
  DeuteriumSammeln = DeuteriumCollecting
  ErzSammeln = OreCollecting
  Fliege(AnzahlFelder As Integer, Richtung As EShipRichtung) = Fly(Number Of Fields As Integer, In The Direction Of {EShipRichtung=DirectionOfShip})
  FliegeZu(Position As String) = FlyTo
  InOrbitEintreten() = EnterOrbit
  LRS_Aktivieren(Status As Boolean) = LRS_Activation
  Reparieren(ShipID As Integer, Hüllenpunkte As Integer) = Repair
  ReplikatorAktivieren(Status As Boolean) = ActivateReplicator
  ReserveBatterieEntladen(Menge As Integer) = UseReserveBattery
  SchiffBauenRessourcenEinspeisen() = UseSuppliesForShipConstruction
  SchildeAktivieren(Status As Boolean) = ActivateShields(Status as Self)
  SchildeAufladen(Menge As Integer) = ChargeShields(Menge=Amount)
  SRS_Aktivieren(Status As Boolean) = SRS_Activate
  StationsReserveBatterieAufladen(ShipID As Integer, Menge As Integer) = LoadStationReserveBattery
  TraktorStrahlAbschalten() = TurnOffTractorbeam
  TraktorStrahlEinschalten(ShipID As Integer) = TurnOnTractorbeam
  TransferiereVonKolonie(FromColonieID As Integer, Anzahl As Integer, Ressource As EBeamRessource) = BeamFromColony (Anzahl=Number)
  TransferiereVonSchiff(FromShipID As Integer, Anzahl As Integer, Ressource As EBeamRessource) = BeamFromShip
  TransferiereZuKolonie(ToColonieID As Integer, Anzahl As Integer, Ressource As EBeamRessource) = BeamToColony
  TransferiereZuSchiff(ToShipID As Integer, Anzahl As Integer, Ressource As EBeamRessource) = BeamToShip
  Verstecken(Versteckt As Boolean) As Boolean = Hide(Hid As Self)
  VerteidigenTo(ShipID As Integer) = DefendShip
  VerteidigenToDelete() = CancelDefendShip
  WarenÜberBordWerfen(Menge As Integer, WarenTyp As EWarenTyp) = JettisonGoods(WarenTyp=GoodsType)
  WarpkernAktivieren(Status As Boolean) = ActivateWarpCore
  WarpkernNachfüllen(Menge As Integer) = RefillWarpCore
  WrackExtraktoren(Menge As Integer) = WreckExtractor
== Class names without members ==
This table contains the translations of all Class names. Each row is a translation of one Class name. The first cell contains the German Class name, the second cell the proposed English Class name. If the second cell is left empty, that means no translation is needed.
== CMyKolonie = CMyColony ==
Class CMyKolonie : CKolonie
  New (KolonieID As Integer) As CMyKolonie
  New (PosX As Integer, PosY As Integer) As CMyKolonie
  Property Aktion As CBaseColonieManager
  Property Bewohnbar As Boolean = Inhabitably As Self
  Property Coords As SPoint = Coords As SPoint
  Property Einwohner As Integer = Inhabitant
  Property Energie As Integer = Energy
  Property EnergieBilanz As Integer = Energy Balance
  Property EnergieKapazität As Integer = Energy Capacity
  Property EnergieKapazitätFrei As Integer = EnergyCapacity
  Property Energie Produktion As Integer = EnergyProduction
  Property EnergieVerbrauch As Integer = EnergyConsumption
  Function FeldByID(FeldID As Integer) As CKolonieFeld = FieldByID
  Function FeldByPosition(Position As String) As CKolonieFeld = FieldByPosition
  Property Felder As CKolonieFeldList = Fields
  Property Gebäude As CGebäudeList = Building
  Function GebäudeByID(FeldID As Integer) As CGebäude
  Function GebäudeByIndex(Index As Integer) As CGebäude
  Function GebäudeByPosition(Position As String) As CGebäude
  Property IsBesiedelt As Boolean
  Property IsKolonie As Boolean
  Property Karte As CKolonieKarte
  Property Lager As CLager
  Property Larne As Double
  Property LeererRaum As Boolean
  Property Name As String
  Property OrbitKarte As CKolonieKarte
  Property SektorID As Integer
  Property SRS As CShipList
  Property Typ
  Property TypName As String
  Property UserID As Integer (geerbt)
  Property Wohnraum As Integer
!German name !! English Name
| Enum EHtmlInputType ||
| Class CCollectionBase ||
| Class CDefaultValueHashTable ||
| Class CDictionaryBase ||
| Class CEntryList ||
| Class CIntegerComparer ||
| Class CIntegerHashTable ||
| Class CIntegerList  ||
| Class CKeyMustExistsHashTable ||
| Class CObject ||
| Class CObjectHashTable ||
| Class CObjectList ||
| Class CScriptGlobal ||
| Class CSortedIntegerObjectList ||
| Class CSortedListBase ||
| Class CSortedObjectList ||
| Class CSortedStringList ||
| Class CSortedStringObjectList ||
| Class CStringHashTable ||
| Class CStringList ||
| Structure SPoint ||
| Enum EAlarmStufe || EAlertLevel
| Enum EAutoPilotTyp || EAutoPilotType
| Enum EBeamRessource || EBeamResource
| Enum ELRSNumericTyp || ELRSNumericType
| Enum EShipLogTyp || EShipLogType
| Enum EShipRichtung || EShipDirection
| Enum EShipTyp || EShipType
| Enum ETorpedoTyp || ETorpedoType
| Enum EWarenTyp || EGoodsType
| Class CAccount ||
| Class CAllianz || CAlliance
| Class CBaseColonieManager || CBaseColonyManager
| Class CBaseShipManager ||
| Class CColonieManager || CColonyManager
| Class CCoordsList || CCoordinateList
| Class CDataNode ||
| Class CDataNodeList ||
| Class CDataNodeStorage ||
| Class CFlottenEnumerator || CFleet
| Class CGameUrl ||
| Class CGebäude || CBuilding
| Class CGebäudeList || CBuildingList
| Class CGlobalFunctions ||
| Class CHandle ||
| Class CKolonie || CColony
| Class CKolonieEnumerator || CColonyEnumerator
| Class CKolonieFeld || CColonyField
| Class CKolonieFeldList || CColonyFieldList
| Class CKolonieKarte || CColonyMap
| Class CLager || CCargoBay
| Class CMyFlotte || CMyFleet
| Class CMyKolonie || CMyColony
| Class CMyShip ||
| Class CMyShipDefinition ||
| Class CMyUser ||
| Class CScriptUrl ||
| Class CShip ||
| Class CShipDefinition ||
| Class CShipEnumerator ||
| Class CShipList ||
| Class CShipManager ||
| Class CStringBuilder ||
| Class CUrl ||
| Class CUser ||
| Class CUserEnumerator ||
| Class CWarenInfo || CGoodsInfo
| Class CWebRequest ||
| Class CWebResponse ||
| Class CWebUrl ||
| Enum EReplikatorWare || EReplicatorGoods
| Class CControlTableCell ||
| Class CHtmlBreak ||
| Class CHtmlCheckBox ||
| Class CHtmlControl ||
| Class CHtmlDictionary ||
| Class CHtmlEventList ||
| Class CHtmlFlash ||
| Class CHtmlForm ||
| Class CHtmlHelper ||
| Class CHtmlHyperLink ||
| Class CHtmlImage ||
| Class CHtmlInput ||
| Class CHtmlLinkButton ||
| Class CHtmlListBox ||
| Class CHtmlListBoxItem ||
| Class CHtmlListBoxItemCollection ||
| Class CHtmlNewLine ||
| Class CHtmlResetButton ||
| Class CHtmlSeperator ||
| Class CHtmlSpace ||
| Class CHtmlSpan ||
| Class CHtmlStyleCollection ||
| Class CHtmlSubmitButton ||
| Class CHtmlTextArea ||
| Class CHtmlTextBox ||
| Class CTable ||
| Class CTableCell ||
| Class CTableCellCollection ||
| Class CTableCellList ||
| Class CTableRow ||
| Class CTableRowCollection ||
| Structure SMapPosition ||
| Class Array ||
| Structure Boolean ||
| Structure Byte ||
| Structure Char ||
| Structure DictionaryEntry ||
| Interface ICollection ||
| Interface IDictionary ||
| Interface IEnumerator ||
| Interface IList ||
| Structure Date ||
| Structure Double ||
| Enum ||
| Structure Short ||
| Structure Integer ||
| Structure Long ||
| Class Math ||
| Class Object ||
| Class Random ||
| Class String ||
== ... = ... ==
== Enum members (non inherited only) ==
These tables contain the translations of Enum members. The table header shows the German name of the Enum. Each row is a translation of one members. The first cell contains the German member name, the second cell the proposed English member name. If the second cell is left ty, that means no translation is needed.
A question mark in the second cell indicates that it is not certain if the translation is correct.
If an Enum does not appear as a table in this section, it means it has no members that need to be translated.
! colspan="2" | Enum EAlarmStufe
|  Gelb || Yellow
|  Grün || Green
|  Rot || Red
! colspan="2" | Enum EAutoPilotTyp
|  Energie || EnergyEfficient
|  Gondeln || EngineEfficient
!colspan="2" | Enum EBeamRessource
|  Antimaterie || Antimatter
|  Baumaterial || Plasteel
|  Credits ||
|  Crew ||
|  Deuterium ||
|  Dilithium ||
|  Duranium ||
|  Energie || Energy
|  Erz || Iridium
|  Geschenke || Gifts
|  IsoChips ||
|  Item ||
|  Larne ||
|  Latinum ||
|  Nahrung || Food
|  Nitrium ||
|  PhotonenTorpedos || PhotonTorpedoes
|  Plasma ||
|  PlasmaTorpedos || PlasmaTorpedoes
|  QuantenTorpedos || QuantumTorpedoes
|  Rettungskapseln || EscapePods
|  Schmuggelgüter || SmugglersGoods
|  Sorium ||
|  Tribbels || Tribbles
|  Tritanium ||
! colspan="2" |  ELRSNumericTyp
|Deuteriumvorkommen || DeuteriumConcentration
|Einflugkosten || ApproachCosts
|Erzvorkommen || OreConcentration
|Flugaktivitäten || FlightActivities
|Keine || None
|Schiffssignaturen || ShipSignatures
! colspan="2" | Enum EReplikatorWare
| Baumaterial || Plasteel
| Erz || Iridium
| Nahrung || Food
! colspan="2" |  EShipLogTyp
|Alles || Everything
|Feinde || Enemies
|Freunde || Friends
|Minnimal || Minimal
|Neutral || Neutral
! colspan="2" |  EShipRichtung
|Hoch || Up
|Links || Left
|Rechts || Right
|Runter || Down
! colspan="2" |  EShipTyp
|Adrec ||
|Aither ||
|Amaterasu ||
|Andorra ||
|Andromeda ||
|Antares_B ||
|Assertive ||
|Atel ||
|Basis ||
|BatraK ||
|BatraL ||
|Boreas ||
|Calester ||
|Canoom || ?
|Capo ||
|Castalia || ?
|CustomShip ||
|D7 ||
|Depot ||
|DockingStation ||
|DummyStartpunkt || ?
|EMP_Sonde || EMPMine (?)
|Erebos || ?
|Erinyes || ?
|Erkundungsschiff  || SurveyShip
|Flaxian ||
|Flugkörper_Typ_A || MissileTypeA
|föd_Akira || fed_Akira
|föd_Apollo || fed_Apollo
|föd_Defiant || fed_Defiant
|föd_Deneva || fed_Deneva (?)
|föd_Depot || fed_Depot
|föd_DY100 || fed_DY100
|föd_Erewhon || fed_Erewhon (?)
|föd_Galaxy || fed_Galaxy
|föd_Intrepid || fed_Intrepid
|föd_Korolev || fed_Korolev (?)
|föd_Nebula || fed_Nebula
|föd_Nova || fed_Nova
|föd_Observatorium || fed_Observatorium
|föd_Posten || fed_Post
|föd_RelaisStation || fed_RelaisStation
|föd_Sovereign || fed_Sovereign
|föd_SpaceDock || fed_SpaceDock
|föd_Starbase || fed_Starbase
|föd_Tug || fed_Tug
|föd_Venture || fed_Venture
|föd_VersorgungsPosten ||  fed_SupplyPost
|Frachtcontainer || FreightContainer
|Frachter || Freighter
|GrossesSubraumPortal || BigSubspacePortal
|Helios ||
|Hurricane ||
|JemHadar_Fighter ||
|Jovis || ?
|Ju_day ||
|Kale ||
|Kaperschiff || Raider
|KazonFigher ||
|Kein || None
|Klaestron ||
|KleinesSubraumPortal ||SmallSubspacePortal
|Kolonieschiff || ColonyShip
|Komet || Comet
|Miranda ||
|Moringi ||
|Mymidon ||
|Oberth ||
|Omega ||
|Ortygia ||
|Outpost ||
|Panatek || ?
|Pandorra || ?
|Patrouillenschiff || PatrolShip
|Posten || Post
|Psilar ||
|RessourcenSonde || ResourceProbe (?)
|Rigel ||
|Rubicon ||
|Scavenger ||
|Schmuggelschiff || SmugglingShip
|Seth ||
|Sirius ||
|Sonde || Probe
|SondenJäger || ProbeHunter
|Songu || ?
|Station ||
|SubraumHorchposten || ListeningPost
|Sunhawk ||
|Sydney ||
|Syndikat1 || Syndicat1
|TalaxianischerFrachter || TalaxianFreighter
|Tanker ||
|TPau || ?
|Trümmerfeld || DebrisField
|TShu || ?
|Tug ||
|VadwaurSonde || VadwaurProbe
|VersteigerungsPosten || AuctionStation (?)
|Vertiga ||
|VidiianTypA ||
|VidiianTypB ||
|VidiianTypC ||
|Weihnachtsschlitten || ChristmasSleigh
|Whorfin ||
|Xemek ||
|Ymir || ?
|Yzato ||
! colspan="2" |  ETorpedoTyp
|Photonen || PhotonTorpedoes
|Plasma  || PlasmaTorpedoes
|Quanten || QuantumTorpedoes
|TorpedoEMP || EMPTorpedoes
|TorpedoHülle || PolaronTorpedoes
|TorpedoSchilde || NemesisTorpedoes
! colspan="2" |  EWarenTyp
|Antimaterie || Antimatter
|AntiprotonenPhalanx || AntiProtonPhalanx (?)
|Artefakte || Artifacts
|Baumaterial || Plasteel
|Blutwein || Bloodwine
|Credits ||
|Deuterium ||
|Dilithium ||
|Duranium ||
|EarlGrey ||
|Erz || Iridium
|Geschenke || Gifts
|IsoChips ||
|KetracelWhite ||
|Latinum ||
|Nahrung || Food
|Nitrium ||
|PhotonenTorpedos || PhotonTorpedoes
|Plasma ||
|PlasmaTorpedos || PlasmaTorpedoes
|QuantenTorpedos || QuantumTorpedoes
|Rettungskapseln || EscapePods
|Rohrlaven || TubeLava (??)
|RomulanischesAle || RomulanAle
|Schmuggelgüter || SmugglerGoods (?)
|Sorium ||
|TasparEier || TasparEggs (?)
|TorpedoEMP || EMPTorpedoes
|TorpedoHülle || PolaronTorpedoes
|TorpedoSchilde || NemesisTorpedoes
|Tribbels || Tribbles
|Tritanium ||
|Vinculum ||
== Class members (non inherited only) ==
These tables contain the translations of Class members. The table header shows the German name of the Class. Each row is a translation of one members. The first cell contains the German member name, the second cell the proposed English member name. If the second cell is left empty, that means no translation is needed.
A question mark in the second cell indicates that it is not certain if the translation is correct.
If a Class does not appear as a table in this section, it means it has no members that need to be translated.
! colspan="2" | Class  CAllianz
|New (AllianzID) || New (AllianceID)
|Beschreibung || Description
|Erstellungsdatum || DateFounded
|Exists(AllianzID) || Exists(AllianceID)
|GetHtmlName() ||
|GetHtmlNameAndID() ||
|LetzterBeitrittDatum || LastJoinDate
|Name ||
|OwnerID ||
|Präsidnet || President
! colspan="2" | Class  CBaseColonieManager
|AlarmStufeÄndern(Stufe) || SetAlertLevel(AlertLevel)
|EinwanderungsGrenzeFestlegen(Grenze) || SetImigrationLimit(Limit)
|GebäudeAktivieren(Position, Status) || ActivateBuilding(Position, Status)
|GebäudeBenennen(Position, Name) || SetBuildingName(Position, Name)
|GebäudeReparieren(Position, Menge) || RepairBuilding(Position, Amount)
|NotfusionsKammerAuffüllen(Position, Menge) || FillEmergencyFusionChamber(Amount)
|Replizieren(Position, Menge, Von, Zu) || Replicate(Position, Amount, From, To)
|SchildeAufladen(Position, Menge) || ChargeShields(Position, Amount)
|TorpedoProduktionÄndern(Position, TorpedoTyp) || SetTorpedoProduction(Position, TorpedoType)
|TransferiereVonSchiff(FromShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) || TransferFromShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource)
|TransferiereZuSchiff(ToShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) || TrasferToShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource)
|Werft_Bauen(WerftPosition, ShipTyp) || Shipyard_Build(Position, ShipType)
|Werft_Reparieren(ShipID, Menge) || Shipyard_Repair(ShipID, Amount)
|Werft_ReserveBatterieAufladen(ShipID, Menge) || Shipyard_ChargeEmergencyBattery(ShipID, Amount)
! colspan="2" | Class  CBaseShipManager
|Abdocken() || Undock()
|AlarmStufeÄndern(Stufe) || SetAlertLevel(AlertLevel)
|AndockenAn(ToShipID) || DockTo(ShipID)
|AusAllenFlottenAustreten() || LeaveAllFleets()
|AusOrbitAustreten() || ExitOrbit()
|Benennen(Name) || SetName(Name)
|DeuteriumSammeln(Energie) || CollectDeuterium(Energy)
|ErzSammeln(Energie) || CollectOre(Energy)
|Fliege(AnzahlFelder, Richtung) || Fly(Distance, Direction)
|FliegeZu(Position) || FlyTo(Position)
|InOrbitEintreten() || EnterOrbit()
|LRS_Aktivieren(Status) || ActivateLRS(Status)
|Reparieren(ShipID, Hüllenpunkte) || Repair(ShipID, HullPoints)
|ReplikatorAktivieren(Status) || ActivateReplicators(Status)
|ReserveBatterieEntladen(Menge) || DischargeEmergencyBattery(Amount)
|SchiffBauenRessourcenEinspeisen() || ApplyGoodsToConstruction()
|SchildeAktivieren(Status) || ActivateShields(Status)
|SchildeAufladen(Menge) || ChargeShields(Amount)
|SRS_Aktivieren(Status) || ActivateSRS(Status)
|StationsReserveBatterieAufladen(ShipID, Menge) || ChargeEmergencyBattery(ShipID, Amount)
|TraktorStrahlAbschalten() || DeactivateTractorBeam()
|TraktorStrahlEinschalten(ShipID) || ActivateTractorBeam(ShipID)
|TransferiereVonKolonie(FromColonieID, Anzahl, Ressource) || TransferFromColony(ColonyID, Amount, Resource)
|TransferiereVonSchiff(FromShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) || TransferFromShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource)
|TransferiereZuKolonie(ToColonieID, Anzahl, Ressource) || TransferToColony(ColonyID, Amount, Resource)
|TransferiereZuSchiff(ToShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) || TransferToShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource)
|Verstecken(Versteckt) || Hide(Status)
|VerteidigenTo(ShipID) || Defend(ShipID)
|VerteidigenToDelete() || StopDefending()
|WarenÜberBordWerfen(Menge, WarenTyp) || JettisonGoods(Amount, GoodsType)
|WarpkernAktivieren(Status) || ActivateWarpCore(Status)
|WarpkernNachfüllen(Menge) || RefillWarpCore(Amount)
|WrackExtraktoren(Menge) || ExtractFromWreck(Amount)
! colspan="2" | Class  CColonieManager
|New ||
|BenutzeKolonie(KolonieID) || SetSelectionToColony(ColonyID)
! colspan="2" | Class  CFlottenEnumerator
|New ||
|CurrentFlotte || CurrentFleet
|Next() ||
|Reset() ||
! colspan="2" | Class  CGebäude
|Aktiv || Active
|Bauphase || UnderConstruction
|Feld || Field
|FeldID || FieldID
|GebäudeTyp || BuildingType
|Integrität || Integrity
|Kolonie || Colony
|Name ||
|TypName || TypeName
! colspan="2" | Class  CKolonie
|New (KolonieID) || New (ColonyID)
|New (PosX, PosY) ||
|Bewohnbar || Habitable
|Coords || Coordinates
|IsBesiedelt || IsColonised
|IsKolonie || IsColony
|LeererRaum || FreeSpace
|Name ||
|SektorID || SectorID
|Typ || Type
|TypName || TypeName
|UserID ||
! colspan="2" | Class  CKolonieEnumerator
|New ||
|CurrentKolonie || CurrentColony
|Next() ||
|Reset() ||
! colspan="2" | Class  CKolonieFeld
|Coords || Coordinates
|FeldID || FieldID
|FeldTyp || FieldType
|Gebäude || Building
|HatGebäude || HasBuilding
|HatSchildTurm || HasShieldTower (or IsShielded maybe?)
|IstOrbital || IsOrbital
|IstSichtbar || IsVisible
|Kolonie || Colony
|Position ||
|TypName || TypeName
! colspan="2" | Class  CKolonieKarte
|IstOrbital || IsOrbital
|Item(x, y) ||
|Kolonie || Colony
|SizeX ||
|SizeY ||
! colspan="2" | Class  CLager
|FreieKapazität || EmptyStorage
|FreieKapazität(WarenTyp) || EmptyStorage(GoodsType)
|Menge(WarenTyp) || Amount(GoodsType)
|MengeNormal(WarenTyp) || AmountNormal(GoodsType)
|MengeSpezial(WarenTyp) || AmountSpecial(GoodsType)
|Summe || Sum
|SummeNormal || SumNormal
! colspan="2" | Class  CMyFlotte
|New (FlottenID) || New (FleetID)
|Aktion || Action
|Filter ||
|FilterAktiv || FilterActive
|FlottenID || FleetID
|Hidden ||
|IsAll ||
|Name ||
|NameAndID ||
|Ships ||
! colspan="2" | Class  CMyKolonie
|New (KolonieID) || New (ColonyID)
|New (PosX, PosY) ||
|Aktion || Action
|Bewohnbar || Habitable
|Coords || Coordinates
|Einwohner || Population
|Energie || Energy
|EnergieBilanz || EnergyBalance
|EnergieKapazität || EnergyCapacity
|EnergieKapazitätFrei || EnergyCapacityFree
|EnergieProduktion || EnergyProduction
|EnergieVerbrauch || EnergyConsumption
|FeldByID(FeldID) || FieldByID(FieldID)
|FeldByPosition(Position) || FieldByPosition(Position)
|Felder || Fields
|Gebäude || Buildings
|GebäudeByID(FeldID) || BuildingByID(FieldID)
|GebäudeByIndex(Index) || BuildingByIndex(Index)
|GebäudeByPosition(Position) || BuildingByPosition(Position)
|IsBesiedelt || IsColonised
|IsKolonie || IsColony
|Karte || Map
|Lager || CargoBay
|Larne ||
|LeererRaum || FreeSpace
|Name ||
|OrbitKarte || OrbitMap
|SektorID || SectorID
|SRS ||
|Typ || Type
|TypName || TypeName
|Wohnraum || LivingSpace
! colspan="2" | Class  CMyShip
|New (ShipID) ||
|__CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters, BaseUrl) ||
|__CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters) ||
|__InvokeItem(ItemID, Method, Parameters) ||
|Aktion || Action
|AutoPilotTyp || AutoPilotType
|CoPilot ||
|CoPilotID ||
|CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters) ||
|CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters, BaseUrl) ||
|Definition ||
|GeflogeneFelder || FieldsFlown
|Gondeln || Engines
|InvokeItem(ItemID, Method, Parameters) ||
|Larne ||
|LogTyp || LogType
|LRS_Aktiv || LRSActive
|LRSNumericTyp || LRSNumericType
|LRSSize || LRSSize
|Name ||
|ReplikatorAktiv || ReplicatorActive
|ReserveBatterie || EmergencyBattery
|SchildeIonenLevel || ShieldsIonLevel
|SRS ||
|SRS_Aktiv || SRSActive
|Systemblockade || SystemBlockade
|Torpedoerhitzung || TorpedoHeating
|Typ || Type
|Versteckt || Hidden
|VerteidigenToID || DefendingID
|Warpkern || WarpCore
|WarpkernAktiv || WarpCoreActive
! colspan="2" | Class CShip
| Alarmstufe || AlertLevel
| Angedockt || Docked
| AngedocktAn || DockedTo
| AngedocktAnID || DockedToID
| Crew ||
| Definition ||
| Energie || Energy
| FreierDockplatz(Ship) || FreeDockingPort(Ship)
| Hülle || Hull
| Lager || CargoBay
| MapPosition ||
| Name ||
| Schilde || Shields
| SchildeAktiv || ShieldsActive
| Sektor || Sector
| ShipID ||
| TraktorVonID || TractorFromID
| TraktorZuID || TractorToID
| TypName || TypeName
| UserID ||
| WaffenEingeschaltet || WeaponsActivated
! colspan="2" | Class CShipDefinition
| BeamKapazität || BeamCapacity
| Crew ||
| CrewBasis ||
| Deflektor || Deflector
| DeflektorLadung || DeflectorCharge
| DockPlätze || DockingPorts
| Energie || Energy
| Gondeln || Engines
| HatBussardKollektoren || HasBussardCollectors
| HatErzKollektoren || HasOreCollectors
| HatReplikatoren || HasReplicators
| HatSolarzellen || HasSolarPanels
| HatWarpkern || HasWarpCore
| HatWrackExtraktor || HasWreckExtractor
| Hülle || Hull
| ID ||
| Image ||
| IstKonstruktionsSchiff || IsConstructionShip
| IstRaumstation || IsSpaceStation
| IstTräger || IsCarrier
| Name ||
| NameBeschreibung || NameDescription
| Panzerung || Armor
| PhaserErhitzung || PhaserHeating
| Reaktor || Reactor
| ReserveBatterie || EmergencyBatteries
| Schilde || Shields
| Warpkern || WarpCore
! colspan="2" | Class CShipManager : CBaseShipManager
| New
| BenutzeFlotte(FlottenID) || SetSelectionToFleet(FleetID
| BenutzeSchiff(ShipID) || SetSelectionToShip(ShipID)
| UndBenutzeFlotte(FlottenID) || AddFleetToSelection(FleetID)
| UndBenutzeSchiff(ShipID) || AddShipToSelection(ShipID)
! colspan="2" | Class CUser
| New (UserID) ||
| Allianz || Alliance
| AllianzID || AllianceID
| AngemeldetSeit || RegisteredSince
| AnsehenExtern || ReputationExternal
| AnsehenIntern || ReputationInternal
| Create(UserID) ||
| Exists(UserID) ||
| GetHtmlName(ShowSponsor) ||
| GetHtmlName() ||
| GetHtmlNameAndID(ShowSponsor) ||
| GetHtmlNameAndID() ||
| Kolonisationslevel || Level
| Name ||
| NameAndID ||
| NameAndID(ShowSponsor) ||
| RundenDabei || RoundsPlayed
| UserID ||
! colspan="2" | Class CWarenInfo
| New (WarenTyp) || New (GoodsType)
| AnWarenbörseHandelbar || TradableOnCommodityExchenge
| GetImage() ||
| GetImage(WarenTyp) || GetImage(GoodsType)
| GetName(WarenTyp) || GetName (GoodsType)
| Name ||
| Spezial || Special
| WarenID || GoodsID
| WarenTyp || GoodsType

Latest revision as of 22:24, 3 May 2020

Main | Syntax | Operators | Interfaces | FAQ | Contents | API Reference | Index


Interfaces and members

This table contains the translations of the interfaces and their members. Interfaces and members that don't need to be translated are not listed.

German name English Name
ColoniePortal ColonyPortal
MyColonie MyColony

Class names without members

This table contains the translations of all Class names. Each row is a translation of one Class name. The first cell contains the German Class name, the second cell the proposed English Class name. If the second cell is left empty, that means no translation is needed.

German name English Name
Enum EHtmlInputType
Class CCollectionBase
Class CDefaultValueHashTable
Class CDictionaryBase
Class CEntryList
Class CIntegerComparer
Class CIntegerHashTable
Class CIntegerList
Class CKeyMustExistsHashTable
Class CObject
Class CObjectHashTable
Class CObjectList
Class CScriptGlobal
Class CSortedIntegerObjectList
Class CSortedListBase
Class CSortedObjectList
Class CSortedStringList
Class CSortedStringObjectList
Class CStringHashTable
Class CStringList
Structure SPoint
Enum EAlarmStufe EAlertLevel
Enum EAutoPilotTyp EAutoPilotType
Enum EBeamRessource EBeamResource
Enum ELRSNumericTyp ELRSNumericType
Enum EShipLogTyp EShipLogType
Enum EShipRichtung EShipDirection
Enum EShipTyp EShipType
Enum ETorpedoTyp ETorpedoType
Enum EWarenTyp EGoodsType
Class CAccount
Class CAllianz CAlliance
Class CBaseColonieManager CBaseColonyManager
Class CBaseShipManager
Class CColonieManager CColonyManager
Class CCoordsList CCoordinateList
Class CDataNode
Class CDataNodeList
Class CDataNodeStorage
Class CFlottenEnumerator CFleet
Class CGameUrl
Class CGebäude CBuilding
Class CGebäudeList CBuildingList
Class CGlobalFunctions
Class CHandle
Class CKolonie CColony
Class CKolonieEnumerator CColonyEnumerator
Class CKolonieFeld CColonyField
Class CKolonieFeldList CColonyFieldList
Class CKolonieKarte CColonyMap
Class CLager CCargoBay
Class CMyFlotte CMyFleet
Class CMyKolonie CMyColony
Class CMyShip
Class CMyShipDefinition
Class CMyUser
Class CScriptUrl
Class CShip
Class CShipDefinition
Class CShipEnumerator
Class CShipList
Class CShipManager
Class CStringBuilder
Class CUrl
Class CUser
Class CUserEnumerator
Class CWarenInfo CGoodsInfo
Class CWebRequest
Class CWebResponse
Class CWebUrl
Enum EReplikatorWare EReplicatorGoods
Class CControlTableCell
Class CHtmlBreak
Class CHtmlCheckBox
Class CHtmlControl
Class CHtmlDictionary
Class CHtmlEventList
Class CHtmlFlash
Class CHtmlForm
Class CHtmlHelper
Class CHtmlHyperLink
Class CHtmlImage
Class CHtmlInput
Class CHtmlLinkButton
Class CHtmlListBox
Class CHtmlListBoxItem
Class CHtmlListBoxItemCollection
Class CHtmlNewLine
Class CHtmlResetButton
Class CHtmlSeperator
Class CHtmlSpace
Class CHtmlSpan
Class CHtmlStyleCollection
Class CHtmlSubmitButton
Class CHtmlTextArea
Class CHtmlTextBox
Class CTable
Class CTableCell
Class CTableCellCollection
Class CTableCellList
Class CTableRow
Class CTableRowCollection
Structure SMapPosition
Class Array
Structure Boolean
Structure Byte
Structure Char
Structure DictionaryEntry
Interface ICollection
Interface IDictionary
Interface IEnumerator
Interface IList
Structure Date
Structure Double
Structure Short
Structure Integer
Structure Long
Class Math
Class Object
Class Random
Class String

Enum members (non inherited only)

These tables contain the translations of Enum members. The table header shows the German name of the Enum. Each row is a translation of one members. The first cell contains the German member name, the second cell the proposed English member name. If the second cell is left ty, that means no translation is needed.

A question mark in the second cell indicates that it is not certain if the translation is correct.

If an Enum does not appear as a table in this section, it means it has no members that need to be translated.

Enum EAlarmStufe
Gelb Yellow
Grün Green
Rot Red

Enum EAutoPilotTyp
Energie EnergyEfficient
Gondeln EngineEfficient

Enum EBeamRessource
Antimaterie Antimatter
Baumaterial Plasteel
Energie Energy
Erz Iridium
Geschenke Gifts
Nahrung Food
PhotonenTorpedos PhotonTorpedoes
PlasmaTorpedos PlasmaTorpedoes
QuantenTorpedos QuantumTorpedoes
Rettungskapseln EscapePods
Schmuggelgüter SmugglersGoods
Tribbels Tribbles

Deuteriumvorkommen DeuteriumConcentration
Einflugkosten ApproachCosts
Erzvorkommen OreConcentration
Flugaktivitäten FlightActivities
Keine None
Schiffssignaturen ShipSignatures

Enum EReplikatorWare
Baumaterial Plasteel
Erz Iridium
Nahrung Food

Alles Everything
Feinde Enemies
Freunde Friends
Minnimal Minimal
Neutral Neutral

Hoch Up
Links Left
Rechts Right
Runter Down

Canoom  ?
Castalia  ?
DummyStartpunkt  ?
EMP_Sonde EMPMine (?)
Erebos  ?
Erinyes  ?
Erkundungsschiff SurveyShip
Flugkörper_Typ_A MissileTypeA
föd_Akira fed_Akira
föd_Apollo fed_Apollo
föd_Defiant fed_Defiant
föd_Deneva fed_Deneva (?)
föd_Depot fed_Depot
föd_DY100 fed_DY100
föd_Erewhon fed_Erewhon (?)
föd_Galaxy fed_Galaxy
föd_Intrepid fed_Intrepid
föd_Korolev fed_Korolev (?)
föd_Nebula fed_Nebula
föd_Nova fed_Nova
föd_Observatorium fed_Observatorium
föd_Posten fed_Post
föd_RelaisStation fed_RelaisStation
föd_Sovereign fed_Sovereign
föd_SpaceDock fed_SpaceDock
föd_Starbase fed_Starbase
föd_Tug fed_Tug
föd_Venture fed_Venture
föd_VersorgungsPosten fed_SupplyPost
Frachtcontainer FreightContainer
Frachter Freighter
GrossesSubraumPortal BigSubspacePortal
Jovis  ?
Kaperschiff Raider
Kein None
KleinesSubraumPortal SmallSubspacePortal
Kolonieschiff ColonyShip
Komet Comet
Panatek  ?
Pandorra  ?
Patrouillenschiff PatrolShip
Posten Post
RessourcenSonde ResourceProbe (?)
Schmuggelschiff SmugglingShip
Sonde Probe
SondenJäger ProbeHunter
Songu  ?
SubraumHorchposten ListeningPost
Syndikat1 Syndicat1
TalaxianischerFrachter TalaxianFreighter
TPau  ?
Trümmerfeld DebrisField
TShu  ?
VadwaurSonde VadwaurProbe
VersteigerungsPosten AuctionStation (?)
Weihnachtsschlitten ChristmasSleigh
Ymir  ?

Photonen PhotonTorpedoes
Plasma PlasmaTorpedoes
Quanten QuantumTorpedoes
TorpedoEMP EMPTorpedoes
TorpedoHülle PolaronTorpedoes
TorpedoSchilde NemesisTorpedoes

Antimaterie Antimatter
AntiprotonenPhalanx AntiProtonPhalanx (?)
Artefakte Artifacts
Baumaterial Plasteel
Blutwein Bloodwine
Erz Iridium
Geschenke Gifts
Nahrung Food
PhotonenTorpedos PhotonTorpedoes
PlasmaTorpedos PlasmaTorpedoes
QuantenTorpedos QuantumTorpedoes
Rettungskapseln EscapePods
Rohrlaven TubeLava (??)
RomulanischesAle RomulanAle
Schmuggelgüter SmugglerGoods (?)
TasparEier TasparEggs (?)
TorpedoEMP EMPTorpedoes
TorpedoHülle PolaronTorpedoes
TorpedoSchilde NemesisTorpedoes
Tribbels Tribbles

Class members (non inherited only)

These tables contain the translations of Class members. The table header shows the German name of the Class. Each row is a translation of one members. The first cell contains the German member name, the second cell the proposed English member name. If the second cell is left empty, that means no translation is needed.

A question mark in the second cell indicates that it is not certain if the translation is correct.

If a Class does not appear as a table in this section, it means it has no members that need to be translated.

Class CAllianz
New (AllianzID) New (AllianceID)
Beschreibung Description
Erstellungsdatum DateFounded
Exists(AllianzID) Exists(AllianceID)
LetzterBeitrittDatum LastJoinDate
Präsidnet President

Class CBaseColonieManager
AlarmStufeÄndern(Stufe) SetAlertLevel(AlertLevel)
EinwanderungsGrenzeFestlegen(Grenze) SetImigrationLimit(Limit)
GebäudeAktivieren(Position, Status) ActivateBuilding(Position, Status)
GebäudeBenennen(Position, Name) SetBuildingName(Position, Name)
GebäudeReparieren(Position, Menge) RepairBuilding(Position, Amount)
NotfusionsKammerAuffüllen(Position, Menge) FillEmergencyFusionChamber(Amount)
Replizieren(Position, Menge, Von, Zu) Replicate(Position, Amount, From, To)
SchildeAufladen(Position, Menge) ChargeShields(Position, Amount)
TorpedoProduktionÄndern(Position, TorpedoTyp) SetTorpedoProduction(Position, TorpedoType)
TransferiereVonSchiff(FromShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) TransferFromShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource)
TransferiereZuSchiff(ToShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) TrasferToShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource)
Werft_Bauen(WerftPosition, ShipTyp) Shipyard_Build(Position, ShipType)
Werft_Reparieren(ShipID, Menge) Shipyard_Repair(ShipID, Amount)
Werft_ReserveBatterieAufladen(ShipID, Menge) Shipyard_ChargeEmergencyBattery(ShipID, Amount)

Class CBaseShipManager
Abdocken() Undock()
AlarmStufeÄndern(Stufe) SetAlertLevel(AlertLevel)
AndockenAn(ToShipID) DockTo(ShipID)
AusAllenFlottenAustreten() LeaveAllFleets()
AusOrbitAustreten() ExitOrbit()
Benennen(Name) SetName(Name)
DeuteriumSammeln(Energie) CollectDeuterium(Energy)
ErzSammeln(Energie) CollectOre(Energy)
Fliege(AnzahlFelder, Richtung) Fly(Distance, Direction)
FliegeZu(Position) FlyTo(Position)
InOrbitEintreten() EnterOrbit()
LRS_Aktivieren(Status) ActivateLRS(Status)
Reparieren(ShipID, Hüllenpunkte) Repair(ShipID, HullPoints)
ReplikatorAktivieren(Status) ActivateReplicators(Status)
ReserveBatterieEntladen(Menge) DischargeEmergencyBattery(Amount)
SchiffBauenRessourcenEinspeisen() ApplyGoodsToConstruction()
SchildeAktivieren(Status) ActivateShields(Status)
SchildeAufladen(Menge) ChargeShields(Amount)
SRS_Aktivieren(Status) ActivateSRS(Status)
StationsReserveBatterieAufladen(ShipID, Menge) ChargeEmergencyBattery(ShipID, Amount)
TraktorStrahlAbschalten() DeactivateTractorBeam()
TraktorStrahlEinschalten(ShipID) ActivateTractorBeam(ShipID)
TransferiereVonKolonie(FromColonieID, Anzahl, Ressource) TransferFromColony(ColonyID, Amount, Resource)
TransferiereVonSchiff(FromShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) TransferFromShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource)
TransferiereZuKolonie(ToColonieID, Anzahl, Ressource) TransferToColony(ColonyID, Amount, Resource)
TransferiereZuSchiff(ToShipID, Anzahl, Ressource) TransferToShip(ShipID, Amount, Resource)
Verstecken(Versteckt) Hide(Status)
VerteidigenTo(ShipID) Defend(ShipID)
VerteidigenToDelete() StopDefending()
WarenÜberBordWerfen(Menge, WarenTyp) JettisonGoods(Amount, GoodsType)
WarpkernAktivieren(Status) ActivateWarpCore(Status)
WarpkernNachfüllen(Menge) RefillWarpCore(Amount)
WrackExtraktoren(Menge) ExtractFromWreck(Amount)

Class CColonieManager
BenutzeKolonie(KolonieID) SetSelectionToColony(ColonyID)

Class CFlottenEnumerator
CurrentFlotte CurrentFleet

Class CGebäude
Aktiv Active
Bauphase UnderConstruction
Feld Field
FeldID FieldID
GebäudeTyp BuildingType
Integrität Integrity
Kolonie Colony
TypName TypeName

Class CKolonie
New (KolonieID) New (ColonyID)
New (PosX, PosY)
Bewohnbar Habitable
Coords Coordinates
IsBesiedelt IsColonised
IsKolonie IsColony
LeererRaum FreeSpace
SektorID SectorID
Typ Type
TypName TypeName

Class CKolonieEnumerator
CurrentKolonie CurrentColony

Class CKolonieFeld
Coords Coordinates
FeldID FieldID
FeldTyp FieldType
Gebäude Building
HatGebäude HasBuilding
HatSchildTurm HasShieldTower (or IsShielded maybe?)
IstOrbital IsOrbital
IstSichtbar IsVisible
Kolonie Colony
TypName TypeName

Class CKolonieKarte
IstOrbital IsOrbital
Item(x, y)
Kolonie Colony

Class CLager
FreieKapazität EmptyStorage
FreieKapazität(WarenTyp) EmptyStorage(GoodsType)
Menge(WarenTyp) Amount(GoodsType)
MengeNormal(WarenTyp) AmountNormal(GoodsType)
MengeSpezial(WarenTyp) AmountSpecial(GoodsType)
Summe Sum
SummeNormal SumNormal

Class CMyFlotte
New (FlottenID) New (FleetID)
Aktion Action
FilterAktiv FilterActive
FlottenID FleetID

Class CMyKolonie
New (KolonieID) New (ColonyID)
New (PosX, PosY)
Aktion Action
Bewohnbar Habitable
Coords Coordinates
Einwohner Population
Energie Energy
EnergieBilanz EnergyBalance
EnergieKapazität EnergyCapacity
EnergieKapazitätFrei EnergyCapacityFree
EnergieProduktion EnergyProduction
EnergieVerbrauch EnergyConsumption
FeldByID(FeldID) FieldByID(FieldID)
FeldByPosition(Position) FieldByPosition(Position)
Felder Fields
Gebäude Buildings
GebäudeByID(FeldID) BuildingByID(FieldID)
GebäudeByIndex(Index) BuildingByIndex(Index)
GebäudeByPosition(Position) BuildingByPosition(Position)
IsBesiedelt IsColonised
IsKolonie IsColony
Karte Map
Lager CargoBay
LeererRaum FreeSpace
OrbitKarte OrbitMap
SektorID SectorID
Typ Type
TypName TypeName
Wohnraum LivingSpace

Class CMyShip
New (ShipID)
__CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters, BaseUrl)
__CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters)
__InvokeItem(ItemID, Method, Parameters)
Aktion Action
AutoPilotTyp AutoPilotType
CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters)
CreateItemGUI(ItemID, Method, Parameters, BaseUrl)
GeflogeneFelder FieldsFlown
Gondeln Engines
InvokeItem(ItemID, Method, Parameters)
LogTyp LogType
LRS_Aktiv LRSActive
LRSNumericTyp LRSNumericType
ReplikatorAktiv ReplicatorActive
ReserveBatterie EmergencyBattery
SchildeIonenLevel ShieldsIonLevel
SRS_Aktiv SRSActive
Systemblockade SystemBlockade
Torpedoerhitzung TorpedoHeating
Typ Type
Versteckt Hidden
VerteidigenToID DefendingID
Warpkern WarpCore
WarpkernAktiv WarpCoreActive

Class CShip
Alarmstufe AlertLevel
Angedockt Docked
AngedocktAn DockedTo
AngedocktAnID DockedToID
Energie Energy
FreierDockplatz(Ship) FreeDockingPort(Ship)
Hülle Hull
Lager CargoBay
Schilde Shields
SchildeAktiv ShieldsActive
Sektor Sector
TraktorVonID TractorFromID
TraktorZuID TractorToID
TypName TypeName
WaffenEingeschaltet WeaponsActivated

Class CShipDefinition
BeamKapazität BeamCapacity
Deflektor Deflector
DeflektorLadung DeflectorCharge
DockPlätze DockingPorts
Energie Energy
Gondeln Engines
HatBussardKollektoren HasBussardCollectors
HatErzKollektoren HasOreCollectors
HatReplikatoren HasReplicators
HatSolarzellen HasSolarPanels
HatWarpkern HasWarpCore
HatWrackExtraktor HasWreckExtractor
Hülle Hull
IstKonstruktionsSchiff IsConstructionShip
IstRaumstation IsSpaceStation
IstTräger IsCarrier
NameBeschreibung NameDescription
Panzerung Armor
PhaserErhitzung PhaserHeating
Reaktor Reactor
ReserveBatterie EmergencyBatteries
Schilde Shields
Warpkern WarpCore

Class CShipManager : CBaseShipManager
BenutzeFlotte(FlottenID) SetSelectionToFleet(FleetID
BenutzeSchiff(ShipID) SetSelectionToShip(ShipID)
UndBenutzeFlotte(FlottenID) AddFleetToSelection(FleetID)
UndBenutzeSchiff(ShipID) AddShipToSelection(ShipID)

Class CUser
New (UserID)
Allianz Alliance
AllianzID AllianceID
AngemeldetSeit RegisteredSince
AnsehenExtern ReputationExternal
AnsehenIntern ReputationInternal
Kolonisationslevel Level
RundenDabei RoundsPlayed

Class CWarenInfo
New (WarenTyp) New (GoodsType)
AnWarenbörseHandelbar TradableOnCommodityExchenge
GetImage(WarenTyp) GetImage(GoodsType)
GetName(WarenTyp) GetName (GoodsType)
Spezial Special
WarenID GoodsID
WarenTyp GoodsType
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