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(Assignment operator v.s. equals operator)
(References equal)
Line 99: Line 99:
   i = j;
   i = j;
   WriteLine(i Is j); // true
   WriteLine(i Is j); // true
For types defined as Struct in the Object Explorer, this operator will never return true. When assigning one struct variable to another, the value is copied instead of the reference.

Revision as of 16:11, 10 September 2010



In this section, a and b represent either literal values, object references or expressions evaluating to the appropriate type.

String operators

Operator name Syntax
Concatenation a & b

Comparison operators

Operator name Syntax
Equals a = b
References equal a Is b
Not equal to a <> b
Greater than a > b
Less than a < b
Greater than or equal to a >= b
Less than or equal to a <= b

Arithmetic operators

Operator name Syntax
Assignment a = b
Addition a + b
Subtraction a - b
Multiplication a * b
Division a / b
Increment a++
Increment ++a
Decrement a--
Decrement --a

Logical operators

Operator name Syntax
Logical NOT NOT a
Logical AND a AND b
Logical OR a OR b

Other operators

Operator name Syntax
Function call a()
Function reference AddressOf a
Member b of a a.b


Assignment operator v.s. equals operator

The assignment operator and the equals operator use the same symbol. It depends on the context which operator is used. The assignment operator is used when a line of code follows the syntax Identifier = Value;. In all other cases, the equals operator is used.

References equal

The References equal operator returns true if both identifiers hold the same reference (or: point to the same object).

For example:

 Var i As String = "a";
 Var j As String = "a";
 WriteLine(i Is j); // false

 i = j;
 WriteLine(i Is j); // true

For types defined as Struct in the Object Explorer, this operator will never return true. When assigning one struct variable to another, the value is copied instead of the reference.

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