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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index


"Space Trek: The New Empire" (STNE) is a round-based game timed by "Ticks" (cycles) which occur 5 times each day. The production of raw material and energy is calculated during each Tick event. Phaser cooling, hull damage, and crew loss are also determined according to these Ticks.

The results of combat actions, however, are determined as they happen. Once a combatant locks and fires their weapons, an opponent can respond immediately. Afterward, each combatant can renew his action plan, and engage the enemy again (see Battleticks). If you are not online when attacked, the automatic defense measures you have set in force will be used to determine the outcome.

Tick Times

Ticks occur daily at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, and 23:30 pm (Greenwich Mean Time). At these specific times: all ship reactors convert energy; all facilities produce and consume their specific resources; warp drives, phaser banks, and torpedo banks cool down; player reputations rise or fall; ships and buildings under construction progress; research is advanced; terraforming tasks continue...

Ticks may initially seem to be somewhat infrequent. However, this quantity of Ticks optimizes game play once a player's account reaches a larger size.


All players below Colonization Level 6 are given Extra-Ticks which affect their accounts only. With each normal Tick, these players receive two Extra-Ticks. Players may use these as needed to manage their ships and colonies. Unused Extra-Ticks will accumulate until 10 become available at any time.

Available Extra-Ticks are indicated when the following button appears at the bottom of a player's Colonies screen:

End Round, and begin next extra-round (10)

No more than 100 Extra-Ticks will be issued to any player. Once a player advances to Colonization Level 6 all accumulated Extra-Ticks are forfeited. It is therefore recommended that Extra-Ticks be used before advancing to that level.

Once an Extra-Tick has been used, a message will appear at the top of the player's screen similar to the following:

An Extra-Tick was executed! Your ships and colonies have produced and consumed resources, inhabitants have come and gone.

Remaining extra ticks: 9
You receive two extra ticks each round, which is approximately every three hours during the day.
Next round starts at 19:00 hours (2 hours, 36 minutes and 8 seconds remaining).

Also See: