Phaser Battery

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Phaser Battery
Colonization level
Research required
Phaser Battery Construction
Construction Cost
20 Plasteel
20 Duranium
20 Deuterium
Maintenance Cost
2 Energy
General Effect
1x12 Phaser
Construction Time
4 tick(s)

The Phaser Battery is one of three orbital batteries available for colony defense on all types of colonies; the other two are the Disruptor Battery and Torpedo Battery. What makes the phaser battery different is that it shoots phasers, rather than disruptors or torpedoes. The benefit to this is that the phaser battery can shoot attacking fighters with ease. You will, however, rarely see phaser batteries in large number, as they are significantly weaker than torpedo and disruptor batteries against other ships.

Additional Notes

  • The phaser battery comes equipped with an Emergency Fusion Chamber. Once filled with deuterium, this chamber allows the phaser battery to fire, even if the colony on which it is built runs out of energy. This is very useful in a lengthy attack.
  • The phaser battery will fire automatically on any vessel that enters orbit or the colony, if the colony is on red alert. This is very useful to deter raiders, as it gives you an additional battle tick to damage the hostile force (if someone enters orbit of your colonies without authorization, it is almost never for peaceful purposes). The only exception to this is if you have a Non Aggression Pact or Peace Treaty with the colonist who enters orbit; in that case, the phaser battery will act as it would at green alert: passively.
  • The phaser battery is far inferior to the phaser cannon in terms of phaser power. You will almost never see a phaser battery built on a colony with a phaser cannon, as the cannon more than covers the phaser damage required to deter fighter attacks. The phaser cannon, unlike the phaser battery, can only be built on a M-class colony. See phaser cannon.