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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Ship Comparison

Type: Ambiguous Ship
Category: Talaxian Ship
Class: Scout ship
General data
Slots: 1
Crew (Min/Max): 10/10
Reputation change if destroyed: -250
Required Hangar Slots: 1
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 135
Main Energy: 260
Reactor yield: 38
Solar panels: No
Warp Core Capacity: 1500
Energy travel cost: 0.6
Flight range: 72
Logistical data
LRS range: 5
Cargo bay: 115
Beam capacity: 15
Integrity/Tactical data
Hull strength: 50
Armor strength: 0
Shield strength: 50
Deflectors: None
Evasion: 65%
Torpedo Capacity: 15
Weapons Data

Disruptor: 2x 6|6 [0.5]
Photon Torpedo: 10|10 [0.5]

Special Functions
Radiation Immunity
Construction costs
476 Plasteel
449 Duranium
164 Deuterium
8 Antimatter
12 Isolinear Chips
28 Dilithium
Construction time: 2 ticks
Can only be Purchased on the Talaxian Ship Auctions


The Andromeda class scout is a "Talaxian Middle Distance Scout" which is sometimes sold by the Talaxian NPC on the Talaxian Ship Auctions, or can be found in locked containers dropped from Vidiian warships. The class has an outstanding performance as a scout and probe hunter, capable of lasting several weeks without having to be refuelled and will often cover its cost in the number of Vadwaur probes destroyed - which award credits. A pair of disruptors at a power of six are useful for cheaply destroying probes, however the shields afford little protection against an electromagnetic pulse which will disable shields and eliminate much of the main energy, more so if shields are left offline. If pitted against even a Darinaya class light frigate this ship could survive due to its evasion rate of 65%, however if several well placed shots hit, the Andromeda will soon buckle, so should be kept away from hostile warships. A flight range of 72 offers great long range capabilities and can also be used as a courier, transporting items and avatars.

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